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Supply Chain Planning Software for Manufacturers

Plan for Today’s Increasingly Complex Manufacturing Supply Chains

A Challenging Environment

Demand uncertainty, complex manufacturing processes, and increased risk have made balancing service levels, inventory turnover, and costs more challenging than ever. Innovative manufacturers are investing in their supply chains to become more agile using processes such as sales and operations planning, inventory optimization, and artificial intelligence

Manufacturing with New Horizon Planning

Leading Manufacturers Plan Their Supply Chains with New Horizon

Supply Chain Planning Capabilites Tailored to Manufacturers

New Horizon provides comprehensive capabilities for a broad range of manufacturing segments.

Increase Forecast Accuracy with New Horizon’s AI Technology

Take advantage of multiple forecasting methodologies, including Facebook Prophet Technology with New Horizon’s industry-specific enhancements. Demand Planning uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to select the best forecasting approach.

Generate Supply Plans that Meet a Full Range of Constraints

Automatically create plans based on configurable supply and safety stock policies. Take into account materials and capacity constraints, calendar constraints, shelf-life requirements, and minimum batch sizes.

Rebalance Inventory Before Increasing Production

Minimize working capital and inventory carrying costs by balancing supplies across DCs before resorting to additional manufacturing. Evaluate various inventory transfer scenarios.

Reduce Costs Through Optimal Batch Runs

Reduce labor costs, accelerate changeover times, and increase asset utilization. Increase batch sizes by combining similar products in the same run.

Plan Future Supply Needs Using Rough-Cut Capacity Planning

Project long-term capacity requirements for strategic planning and sales and operations planning (S&OP) processes. Plan for future resource and labor needs.

“New Horizon’s end-to-end planning capability has given us a new level of supply chain agility in the face of evolving business conditions.”

Director Supply Chain Management

Discrete Manufacturer

New Horizon Difference

Achieve Service-Level Targets While Reducing Manufacturing and Distribution Costs

Manufacturers need an integrated approach for planning to balance competing priorities and become more responsive to an ever more complex supply chain environment. New Horizon’s suite of AI-powered planning applications helps manufacturers achieve this goal and take supply chain performance to the next level. Manufacturers can expect to see benefits such as:

Increased forecast accuracy of up to 44%

Increased service levels of 5-15%

Up to 33% reduction in safety stock

Up to 40% reduction in stock-outs

Built on the New Horizon Platform

Expertise in Manufacturing

New Horizon’s combination of industry-specific functionality and our deep experience in deploying software for manufacturers mean that you will get a solution tailored to your needs. We’d love to show you how.

Learn More about Supply Chain Planning for Manufacturers